Appendix: Output Data
During the running of a simulation, there is a variety of information that is output by Stream which can be used for monitoring the
execution of the code as well as evaluating the flow solution. At any time during a simulation, if the user wishes to generate a
set of output data files, the user can issue the following command in a Linux terminal while in the run directory: touch plot
This will cause the code to output data files as if the simulation had reached the next output time step. The touch plot
command is
a Linux command that creates a file named plot
in the run directory, and Stream will scan the run directory between each time step
and if it finds a file, it will generate the output data files at the current time step and delete the file and continue to run.
Data Printed to Standard Output
When issuing the command to run the stream code, one should normally re-direct standard output and standard error to a log file so that this information is saved for both real-time monitoring and later analysis should some problem occur during execution of the code. One can do this by using a command like the following on the command line or in an execution script:
mpirun -np 1 stream -q solution caseName >& caseName.log &
Upon examination of the log file, one will see several types of information, each detailed in the following sections.
Residual Data
The primary means of evaluating whether the code is operating properly is to examine the residual data for the run. A residual line in the log
file begins with the characters R:
and is followed by the residual information. For the iterative solver Stream, the format of the residual
line is as follows:
R: n it uRes vRes wRes ppRes eRes kRes omegaRes yRes
The table below provides the definitions of the residual variables shown above. Refer to the last column in the table for information which indicates the conditions under which the specific values will be output.
Variable |
Description |
Output |
n |
Time step number |
Always |
it |
Iteration number |
Always |
uRes |
Momentum eq. x-component residual |
Always |
vRes |
Momentum eq. y-component residual |
Always |
wRes |
Momentum eq. z-component residual |
Always |
ppRes |
Pressure-correction residual |
Always |
eRes |
Energy eq. residual |
Compressible flow |
kRes |
Turbulent kinetic energy eq. residual |
Turbulent flow |
omegaRes |
Specific dissipation rate eq. residual |
Turbulent flow |
yRes |
Species eq. maximum residual |
Multi-species mixture |
For the solver, the residuals for all equations except pressure-correction are defined as the sum over all cells of the absolute value of the corresponding residual for each of the cells in the domain. The cell residual is defined as the right-hand side minus the left-hand side of the discretized cell equation. For the solver, the pressure correction residual is computed as the sum over all cells of the absolute value of the discretized continuity equation for each of the cells in the domain.
By default, the residuals sent to standard output are not normalized. To normalize the residuals based on characteristic values pertinent to the
problem at hand, one can use the run control file variable referenceValue
as follows:
referenceValue: <L=2.0, rho=10.0, v=3.0, h=1000.0, k=0.01,omega=2000.0>
This variable defines the pertinent reference values which are used to normalize the total solution residuals that are printed to standard output. Refer to the table below for a description of how these reference values are used. Note that there is no residual reference value required for species mass fraction since these values always remain in the range of zero to unity.
Residual Variable |
Description |
uRes, vRes, wRes |
\(\rho v^{2} L^{2}\) |
ppRes |
\(\rho v L^{2}\) |
eRes |
\(\rho v h L^{2}\) |
kRes |
\(\rho v k L^{2}\) |
omegaRes |
\(\rho v \omega L^{2}\) |
yRes |
\(\rho v L^{2}\) |
Regardless of whether the residuals have been normalized or not, when monitoring the residual values to determine acceptable convergence of
the simulation, use the following guidelines. For steady-flow simulations in which one is using maxIterationsPerTimeStep=1
, look for
approximately three to four orders of magnitude drop in each of the residuals from their maximum value in the simulation to indicate
complete convergence. While running the simulation past this level of convergence will continue to refine the solution, changes in the
solution after this point will generally be very minor. For unsteady simulations in which maxIterationsPerTimeStep>1
one should also look for
approximately three to four orders of magnitude drop in the residuals within each time step in order to eliminate the iterative (SIMPLE) error
in the solution and give the full time-accurate behavior of the temporal differencing scheme.
Regarding complete convergence of a simulation, it is important to note that the above levels of residual drop can usually be achieved on model problems with ideal meshes. For non-model problems employing engineering meshes, it is often possible to achieve only two orders of magnitude residual drop, sometimes even less. This apparent lack of convergence is often caused by very localized problematic regions which may or may not impact a significant portion of the problem domain. To evaluate the suitability of the convergence, one will have to resort to more sophisticated measures such as a direct examination of the distribution of the cell residuals throughout the domain to determine the extent of non-convergence.
Integrated Data
During the simulation, a variety of integrated data is also redirected to standard output based on the value of the run control file variable
, which is used as follows (default value shown):
print_freq: 100
If this line is not present in the run control file, then the default value will be used. Integrated data is output when the expression
(n mod print_freq)? = 0
evaluates to true, where n represents the time step number. There are two forms of data that are output, integrated volume
data and integrated boundary data. Integrated volume data will appear as follows:
Integrated Volumetric Data (Complete Domain)
total volume = 6.2100e-07 mˆ3
total mass = 3.8311e-05 kg
total energy = -1.6704e+01 J
total enthalpy = -1.2421e+01 J
total species masses: [H2=1.0000e-06,O2=3.0000e-06,H2O=3.4311e-05]
These values represent the total amount of the specified quantity that is currently in the complete domain and are computed based on a summation over all cells of the quantity in question. Total energy is defined as the total internal energy of the flow and does not include the kinetic energy of the bulk fluid motion. The same applies to total enthalpy. For incompressible flow simulations, these two quantities will be zero. In addition, for pure-fluid simulations, the total species masses information will not be output.
Integrated boundary data is provided for each individual boundary condition patch as well as boundary condition patch type. For example, for a two-dimensional incompressible lid-driven cavity flow simulation consisting of a box with a sliding lid and three no-slip walls, one might have the following boundaryCondition variable in the run control file:
BC_1=noslip, // left wall
BC_2=noslip, // right wall
BC_3=noslip, // bottom wall
BC_4=incompressibleInlet(v=-1.0 m/s), // lid
BC_5=symmetry, BC_6=symmetry // symmetry boundaries
In this case, one would see output for individual boundary condition patches such as the following:
Integrated Boundary Data (BC_1)
total area = 1.0000e+00 mˆ2
mass transfer = 0.0000e+00 kg/s
energy transfer = 0.0000e+00 W
pressure force = -1.3380e-02 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 N
viscous force = 2.7312e-06 1.6104e-03 -3.1117e-11 N
total force = -1.3377e-02 1.6104e-03 -3.1117e-11 N
as well as for the collection of all no-slip boundaries such as the following:
Integrated Boundary Data (noslip_BC)
total area = 3.0000e+00 mˆ2
mass transfer = 0.0000e+00 kg/s
energy transfer = 0.0000e+00 W
pressure force = -3.6021e-02 -3.2994e-06 0.0000e+00 N
viscous force = 3.6243e-05 -9.7420e-04 2.4459e-11 N
total force = -3.5985e-02 -9.7750e-04 2.4459e-11 N
It is important to note the conventions associated with these quantities. Mass transfer is defined as the mass flow rate leaving the domain. Thus, for inlet boundaries, one should see a negative value for this quantity and a positive value for outlet boundaries (assuming no major re-entrant flow occurs at the outlet). Energy transfer is defined as the sum of the convective and diffusive internal energy transfer rates and is positive for a net transfer leaving the domain through the boundary. Thus, for no-slip boundaries, the energy transfer value amounts to simply the wall heat flux entering the boundary from the fluid. The pressure, viscous and total forces are defined as forces by the fluid on the boundary.
Field Data Written to Output Directory
During the simulation, nodal field data interpolated from the cell center and boundary face data is written to the output directory based
on the value of the run control file variable plot_freq
, which is used as follows:
plot_freq: 100
This variable is an optional variable in that there is no default value. If this variable is not included in the run control file, there will be
no field data written to file. Field data is output when the expression (n mod plot_freq)? = 0)
evaluates to true, where n represents the time
step number. It is important to note that data is written at the beginning of the time step, so that the variables that are written
represent the state of the simulation before the variables are updated at the new time step. The directory to which field data is written is
called /output
and can be found in the directory from which the simulation was initiated. This directory will be created if it is not
already present. Field data is always written for default variables and optionally written for non-default variables based on user specification
with the run control file variable plot_output
, which is used in a manner like the following:
plot_output: k, omega, viscosityRatio, laminarViscosity
The table below summarizes many of the variables which can be output, including their status as either a default or non-default variable. The default
column in the table indicates variables that are automatically output when they applicable to a simulation. Default variables do not need to
be specified in the plot_output
line in the run control file.
Variable |
Description |
Default |
Speed of sound |
Yes |
CFL number |
No |
Specific heat |
No |
Energy eq. residual |
No |
Energy eq. turn-over time |
No |
Turbulent kinetic energy |
No |
Turbulent kinetic energy clipped flag |
No |
Thermal conductivity |
No |
Kinetic energy |
No |
Turbulent kinetic energy eq. residual |
No |
Turbulent kinetic energy eq. turn-over time |
No |
Material viscosity |
No |
Specific dissipation rate |
No |
Specific dissipation rate clipped flag |
No |
Specific dissipation rate eq. residual |
No |
Specific dissipation rate eq. turn-over time |
No |
Species mass fractions |
Yes |
Gauge pressure |
Yes |
Pressure-correction |
No |
Pressure-correction eq. residual |
No |
Pressure-correction eq. turn-over time |
No |
Density |
Yes |
Temperature |
Yes |
Velocity |
Yes |
Turbulent/laminar viscosity ratio |
No |
Vorticity magnitude |
No |
Velocity eq. residual |
No |
Velocity eq. turn-over time |
No |
Should one wish to prevent the output of default variables (to save disk space), one may use the run control file variable plot_output_exclusive
in a manner like the following:
plot_output_exclusive: r, v
In this example, the variables density and velocity are the only variables that are output. One final run control file variable of
interest is the variable plot_modulo
, which can be used to restrict the number of data files that are written to the /output
directory. This
variable is used as follows (default value shown):
plot_modulo: 0
Valid values include any integral numeric value greater than or equal to zero. When field data is scheduled to be written out according to the
value of plot_freq
described above, the following formats are used for the file names for scalar and vector variables.
If plot_modulo=0
, the extension is given the same value as the time step number. In this case, unique file names for each scalar and vector
variable will be written to the /output
directory for each time step for which data is requested. Thus, for example, if one wanted to save data
every 1000th time step for the entire simulation, one would set plot_modulo=0
and plot_freq=1000
. When the value of plot_modulo
greater than zero, the extension is computed by the expression (extension=n mod plot_modulo
). Thus, if one wanted to save data every
100th time step for the most recent 1000 time steps, one would set plot_modulo=1000
and plot_freq=100
. In this case, the extension number
would cycle between the values 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 0 for the duration of the simulation.
Boundary Data Written to Output Directory
In addition to field data, certain limited nodal boundary data is written to the /output
directory for no-slip boundaries. Consult the
table below for a list of variables and their definitions. Boundary data output is also governed by the run control file variables plot_freq
which are used in the same manner as described in the section above for field data. Boundary data can also be written more
frequently than field data by using the run control file variable boundary plot_freq
in a manner like the following (default value shown):
boundary_plot_freq: 10000000
The large default value effectively prevents this variable from affecting boundary output unless the user specifies a more realistic
value. As an example, assuming one had a value of plot_freq=100
and set a value of boundary_plot_freq=75
, boundary output would be scheduled
both at every 100th time step as well as at every 75th time step. When boundary data is scheduled to be written out according to the value of
and boundary_plot_output
, the following formats are used for the file names for scalar and vector variables:
Computation of the extension is done in the same manner as described above for field data using the variable plot_modulo
Variable |
Description |
Type |
Wall pressure |
Scalar |
Heat flux to the wall |
Scalar |
Wall shear stress |
Vector |
Wall temperature |
Scalar |
Wall \(y^{+}\) value |
scalar |
Probe Data
Solution information at selected points in the domain can be monitored through time by using the run control file variable probe
. This variable
allows one to place an arbitrary number of probes throughout the domain. The syntax for the usage of this variable is as follows:
probe: <probe0=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
probe1=[0.5 inch, 0.5 inch, 0.5 inch],
probe2=[1.0 ft, 1.0 ft, 0.5 ft]>
where the vector location provided specifies the location of the probe. Units for the vector components can be optionally provided so the user
does not have to do manual conversion if the grid is provided in dimensions other than meters. If units for a probe are not provided, the
default unit of meters is assumed for the probe. Units may be specified differently for each probe. Probe naming is up to the user, although the
naming convention shown above is conventionally used. For each probe, a data file with the name of the probe as prefix and extension .dat
be created in the directory from which the simulation was initiated. In the above example, one would see files probe0.dat
, probe1.dat
, and
when data first begins to be generated. The format for data entries written to the probe files is as follows:
n t T p rho a v pos dist y0 y1 ...
Refer to the table below for the definitions of the data entries. Probe data is not computed at the exact location of the probe via interpolation from
nearby cells. The data at the center of the nearest cell to the probe is what is displayed in the probe file. The center of this cell is located
at the value pos
, and the distance from the cell center to the requested probe position is given by the value dist
. While probe positions may be
specified with arbitrary units, the values of pos
and dist
are always expressed in meters in the probe output files.
Variable |
Description |
Type |
Units |
Time step number |
Scalar |
– |
Solution time |
Scalar |
s |
Temperature |
Scalar |
K |
Pressure |
Scalar |
Pa |
Density |
Scalar |
\(\frac{kg}{m^3}\) |
Speed of sound |
Scalar |
\(\frac{m}{s}\) |
Velocity |
Vector |
\(\frac{m}{s}\) |
Nearest cell center |
Vector |
m |
Distance from probe to cell center |
Vector |
m |
Species mass fractions |
Scalar |
– |
The frequency of data output to the probe data files is controlled by the run control file variable probe_freq
, which is used in a manner like
the following:
probe_freq: 100
Probe data is output when the expression (n mod probe_freq)? = 0
evaluates to true. With the value above, one would see data entries in
the probe output files for time step 0 (initial condition) as well as time steps 100, 200, … . It is important to note that data values
corresponding to a given entry represent the state of the solution at the beginning of the time step before the governing equations have been
solved to update the solution. In other words, the data values correspond to the solution at the end of the previous time step.
Turnover Time
The Stream solver provides an output that assists users in assessing any convergence-related problems they may encounter while running cases. The turnover time metric provides the user with a cell-to-cell assessment of the convergence of each differential equation being solved.
The turnover time metric output variables use the following naming convention <governingEquation>ResidualTT
. Examples of the variables that
are available in the Stream solver are shown in the table below. The turnover time metric output variables are not output by default and must
be specified in the plot_output
Variable |
Description |
Module |
Pressure-correction eq. |
Main Code |
Momentum eq. |
Main Code |
Temperature eq. |
Main Code |
Total Enthalpy eq. |
Main Code |
Total Energy eq. |
Main Code |
Omega eq. |
Main Code |
Turbulent Kinetic Energy eq. |
Main Code |
Epsilon eq. |
Main Code |
Consider the case of the turnover time scale metric for the pressure-correction equation.
Where \(V_{\text{cell}}\) is the cell volume, \(\rho\) is the cell density, \(R_p\) is the residual of the integrated
differential equation over the cell (the subscript p simply denoting that it is the pressure-correction equation residual),
and \(\tau_{\text{ref}}\) is a characteristic time scale of the flow, such as the flow-through time. A flow-through time
is simply an estimate of the time it would take for the fluid to flow through the domain. For many domains this can be estimated using
the inlet velocity and the domain length scale. This characteristic time scale value must be provided by the user in the
run control file using the turnoverTimeScale
in the diagnostics variable as shown below. The units of the variable are assumed to be in seconds.
diagnostics: <turnoverTimeScale=0.1>
The depletion timescale is defined as \(\tau_{\text{depletion}} = \frac{\rho V_{\text{cell}}}{R_p}\) and is used here to simplify expressions.
The depletion time scale has units of seconds and can be thought of as the time it would take for the residual to deplete the cell of its contents for the governing equation. In this case, it would be the time for the residual to deplete the mass of the cell. The size of the residual is representative of the level of convergence that has been obtained for the governing equation in a particular cell. If a governing equation in a cell is converged to machine-accuracy at any time instant, the value of \(R_p\) will be essentially zero, implying an infinite depletion time. The ratio of the depletion time to the turnover reference timescale gives an intuitive sense of the level of convergence of the cell. The ratio should tend towards very large values in the case of a highly converged cell.
Stream outputs the logarithm of the ratio defined by the TurnoverTimeMetric
. Based on this definition, the table below shows the
correspondence between the convergence within a cell and the value of the turnover time metric output variable. This sometimes is not possible
for flows with complex geometries, but for a converged simulation most of the cells in domain should have a value greater than zero.
Range |
Assessment |
Poor convergence |
-1 < |
Fair convergence |
0 < |
Good convergence |
Excellent convergence |
One caveat is to remember that this variable is provided as a quick metric to estimate the level of convergence within the simulation domain. In some instances, the characteristic reference timescale might vary within the domain such that in certain regions the timescale is very large and in others it is very small. If you use the largest timescale to normalize the turnover time metric variable for a case like this, it can appear that the region with the much smaller timescale is not well converged when it is converged.
Clip Surface Output
Clip surfaces in the form of clip planes or isosurfaces can also be output. The clip surface capability
is enabled by adding the variables clipFreq
and clipSurfaces
to the run control file file. The clipFreq
variable provides an integer which dictates the frequency of clip surface output. T the clipSurfaces
variable gives
a list of surface names with clipping specifications. The clipping specification can either be a plane or an isosurface. For a
clip plane the specification requires a point on the plane and the normal vector of the plane. The iso-surfaces
specifications gives a variable assignment where the iso-surface will be computed. An sample of specifying clip surfaces in
the run control file is shown below:
clipFreq: 25
clipSurfaces: < zcut10 = plane(point=[0,0,10],normal=[0,0,1]),
t1000 = isosurface(t=1000),
t0500 = isosurface(t=500)>
The sample above will generate cut surfaces every 25 timesteps where the cut surfaces
include the surface named zcut10
which is the plane formed by z=10
, the t1000
where temperature is 1000 Kelvin and the t500
isosurface where temperature is 500 Kelvin.
Note: the input for the isosurface command must be in terms the MKS unit system. Also, any variable that was specified for
plotting on the volume mesh (those listed in plot_output
or plot_output_exclusive
will be written
out for these surfaces). By default the cutting plane output will use plot_modulo
but this can be overridden
by using the cut_modulo
The clip surface output will be written to a directory in the /output directory with a naming scheme: <model_name>_SURF.<cutname>
where <model_name>
is the name of the run control file that was used to run the simulation and <cutname>
is the name of the clip
surface that was defined in the clipSurfaces
run control file variable.
Extracting and Plotting Data
The section covering the plot_freq run control file option covers how to generate data for visualization
in the output directory. These files are annotated by the iteration number (modulo the plot modulo value). Once generated,
the extract
program can be used to generate various files for post processing programs such as Paraview, FieldView, EnSight, and
TecPlot. The first argument to extract
specifies which post processing software format to use. Other options may follow that are specific
to the particular post processor. The user then provides the problem name (this is the name of the run control file file without the .vars
extension), the iteration number to extract from, and a list of variables to extract. The form of an extract command is:
extract -<package> [options] <problem name> <time step> <variable(s)>
Note that documentation of how to use extract can also be obtained by executing the command extract without any arguments. post-processor option
Time-Series Data
If you wish to plot a series of solution across a set of time steps, you can use the
utility located in the
directory. The shell script will provide a usage example if it is called without any arguments.
./bin/postProcessing/ --casename bump --output vtk --timesteps "1 1 10" --variables "v P r t"
In the above command the --casename
option specifies the name of the run control file without the .vars extension. The --output
can either be en
or vtk
. The --timesteps
option specifies the range of time steps to extract from. The first number is the starting
time step, the second number is the increment, and the third number is the ending time step. The --variables
option specifies the variables
to extract. These are the same variable names that would be used when using the extract
utility. The output files will be written to a directory
with a name that will be <casename>_<output>/
. As an example, if the case name is bump
and the output is vtk
, the output directory
will be named bump_vtk/
. For the en
output option, this is an Ensight Gold format, and so the <casename>.case file will be the file that
should be opened in the generated output directory. For the vtk
output option, the primary file to open will have a name of <casename>.pvd
Note the utility is a bash script and if your shell is not a bash shell, you may need to run the script with the bash
command. For example, if you are using the csh shell, you would run the script with the command bash ./bin/postProcessing/